
Name: Kuncoro Wastuwibowo
Nationality: Indonesian


Alma Maters

IEEE Lectures & Seminars

  • Business Aspect of Next Generation Mobile Network. Surabaya (ITS) 2007.
  • Next Generation Mobile System. Jakarta (Trisakti University) 2008.
  • 4G Mobile Technologies. Bandung 2009. Yogyakarta 2009. Bandung (ITT) 2010. Surabaya (UPH).
  • Digital Television Technologies. Bandung 2010.
  • 4G Mobile Technologies and New Convergence, Malang (Brawijaya University) 2010
  • Introduction to LTE: IEEE Day Lecture. Jakarta (@America) 2011.
  • Cognitive Radio (Part of Lectures on Small Cell), Bandung (ITT) 2012.
  • Ubiquitous & Cloud Computing. Jakarta (Binus University) 2012, Bandung (ITT) 2012.
  • IEEE & Global Challenges for Engineering: IEEE Year-End Lecture. Jakarta (@America). 2012.
  • Digital TV & IPTV: Network & Service Architecture. Bandung Techno Park, 2013.
  • Green-Aware Networks. Keynote speech at NEST 2013, organised by University of Indonesia. Depok, 2013.
  • Converged Digital Ecosystem. Keynote speech at CONMEDIA 2013, organised by Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. Serpong, 2013.
  • Smart City Service Architecture. Plenary speech at APCASE. Denpasar, 2014.
  • Collaboration in Research & Scientific Publication. Special Session at Science & Technology Festival 2016, organised by LIPI and Ministry of Communication & Informatics.
  • Internet-of-Everything Architecture for Smart City. Keynote speech at ICSGTEIS 2016 Workshop, organised by Universitas Udayana. Denpasar, 2016.
  • Collaborative Innovations. Keynote speech at IEEE Indonesia Section Annual Gathering, organised by Universitas Budiluhur. Jakarta, 2019.
  • Ecosystem Development in COVID-19 Crises. Speech at International COVID19 Congress (ICC 2020). Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2020.
  • Be Smart for Smart City — Creating Context for Collaborative Digital Ecosystem Innovation. Keynote speech at the IEEE Asia Pacific Student Convention. ITB, Bandung, 2022.
  • Digital Transformation in the Complexity Era. Capacity building session for the IEEE Telkom University Student Branch. Telkom University, Bandung, 2023.

Lectures for Universities

  • The Future of Mobile Contents, ITTelkom (Bandung) 2009
  • Opportunities in Creative Industry, UGM (Yogyakarta) 2009
  • Academic Journal Management. YPT (Bandung) 2013.
  • Convergence in Digital Services. Bina Nusantara University (Jakarta) 2013.
  • Quality Improvement of Indonesian Electrical Engineering Academician & Professional. ITB (Bandung) 2014.
  • Big Data: Opportunity & Challenges. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah (Jakarta) 2014.
  • Building Digital Entrepreneur Ecosystem. IPB (Bogor) 2015.
  • Collaborative Platform Architecture for Digital Experience. Bina Nusantara University (Jakarta) 2016.
  • Digital Ecosystem Transformations for Society Resilience. Speech at Круглый Стол : Развитие Компаний в Период COVID-19: Вызовы и Возможнпсти (Business Development in the Covid-19 Era: Round Table), Южный федеральный университет / ЮФУ (Southern Federal University). Rostov, Russia, 2020.
  • Digital Transformation in Telecommunication Industries. Special lecture for University of Indonesia (Jakarta), 2022.
  • Evolution of Economy and Technology towards the Era of Complexity. IEEE Industrial Talk for Bina Nusantara University Doctorate Program. Jakarta, 2022.

Academic Conferences

Industrial Conferences

  • 4G International Forum. Taipei 2010. Presenter & Panel Discussion.
  • Asia-Pacific Carrier Ethernet World. Metro Ethernet Forum. Hong Kong 2010. Presenter & Panel Discussion.
  • Asia-Pacific Carrier Ethernet World. Metro Ethernet Forum. Singapore 2011. Presenter.

Organisational Conferences

  • IEEE Region 10 Annual General Meeting. Cebu 2010. IEEE Comsoc Indonesia Chapter Representative.
  • IEEE Region 10 Annual General Meeting. Yogyakarta 2011. IEEE Comsoc Indonesia Chapter Representative.
  • IEEE Comsoc Asia Pacific Regional Chapter Chair Conference. Kyoto 2011. IEEE Comsoc Indonesia Chapter Representative.
  • IEEE Region 10 Annual General Meeting. Chiangmai 2013. IEEE Indonesia Section Primary Delegation.
  • IEEE Region 10 Annual General Meeting. Kuching 2014. IEEE Indonesia Section Primary Delegation.
  • IEEE Section Congress. Amsterdam 2014. IEEE Indonesia Section Primary Delegation.
  • IEEE Region 10 Annual General Meeting. Chiba 2017. IEEE Region 10 Delegation Member.
  • IEEE Sections Congress. Sydney 2017. IEEE Region 10 Delegation Member.


  • Telkom’s Best Performing Employee (Penghargaan Prestasi Kerja) 1999, awarded by Minister of Communication (Menteri Perhubungan).
  • Chevening Scholarship Award, 2001, awarded by UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO)
  • Telkom’s National Innovation Awards 2014, Rank 1, for Q-Journal application.
  • ASEAN ICT Awards (AICTA) 2015. Silver Award, awarded by ASEAN countries Ministers of ICT, for Q-Journal application.

Talk Shows

  • On Blogging. MetroTV (e-Lifestyle) 2008.
  • Bloggers Strike Back. MetroTV (e-Lifestyle) 2010.
  • Facebook Effects. MetroTV (Democrazy) 2010.

Online Presence